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Welcome to my website! chompus.neocities.org

I will be updating this page at some point to have more info, more stuff to look at, whatever else aswell.

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8/28/2024: First Entry

Recently i've been on a crazy grind on a little MMO game known as Monster Hunter Frontier. Its not really a game thats online anymore, as the servers were shut down back in 2019. There is however, a discord server that is hosting the game for free! Today and yesterday have been small little break days, as the past few days have been very, very long gaming sessions on Monster Hunter (around 24 or so hours each session).

Being jobless kinda sucks right now as I have way more time to think to myself and just overall be alone. I havent really had many people to talk to recently though, as I tend to yap on very long and have a lot of interests outside of my friends own interests. Which leads me to believe I kind of push my friends away over time.

I dont really know how long I will be working with this website, but it has been a fun little side thing to do to pass a good few hours. I really just need an outlet to just vent to and or put my thoughts into, without bothering anyone. That being said, Im not sure how much I should make public in terms of my problems.

I've also been thinking about getting into guitar lately. I had a guitar for a little bit and loved practicing it, even if it frustrated me sometimes. All forms of art seem fun to me, but getting into them is frustrating. Knowing I can be so much more, and that I can do so much more, but just cant sometimes.

I hope this was an alright intro to my little blog. Theres so much more I want to say and add, but I have been working on this website from 6am, all the way to now (10:40am), and I really just want to get this website published without ending up constantly working on it and never uploading it.